"The Ghost Exits"
Rhetorical Installation and/or Theatrical Experience at EMST
13 March- 7 April
Concept-Director: Adonis Galeos
Actor A: Antonis Karistinos
Actor B: Alexia Kaltsiki
Visual Artist: Vassilis Vlastaras
Assistant Director: Yiannis Kokolakis
Text: An excerpt from Philip Roth’s novel "Exit Ghost", translated by Katerina Schina (Polis editions, Athens: 2009)
"The Ghost Exits" is a hybrid work materializing itself in the interstices between the arts of theatre, visual arts, literature and rhetorics.
From March 13 to April 7 2014, for 10 hours weekly at the EMST Project Room
The entrance is free with priority order.
Performances’ schedule
Thursday 13, 20, 27 March and 3 April 17.00-21.00
Friday 14, 21, 28 March and 4 April 17.00-19.00
Saturday 15, 22, 29 March and 5 April 17.00-19.00
Sunday 16, 23, 30 March and 6 April 17.00-19.00
Monday 7 April 19.00-23.00 (for the opening night only booking is necessary)
Coordination: Kassiani Benou- Stamatis Schizakis